Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethical Behavior of Business Students at Rocky University Essay

Ethical Behavior of Business Students at Rocky University - Essay Example This, in turn has raised a critical concern, as the number of students graduating from the university will not acquire the required and appropriate expertise along with knowledge (Prenshaw & et al., 2001). Rocky University had been facing problems related to cheating activities due to which the Dean took the initiative of resolving this issue through conducting a survey. The Dean strongly believed that by conducting this survey, the existing ethical behavior of the business students belonging to the university could be evaluated. For this survey, 90 business students were selected from Rocky University so as to determine the proportion of students who were engaged in cheating while pursuing their degree course. From the survey conducted, it could be revealed that a total of 71 male students were engaged in cheating activity, while a total of 58 female students were involved in the same. The cheating activity mainly includes the practices of copying from internet photocopying others during exams and collaborating on the projects that had been already allocated to the students individually. This can be better understood with the help of the following tabular representation. From the above table, it can be identified that out of 90 business students surveyed in the university, 34 students have been engaged in practices of copying from the internet. Amongst these 34 students, it could be revealed that 18 male students were engaged in the practices of copying from internet and the remaining 16 female students had undertaken the similar practice. This provides an idea that the proportion of male students copying from the internet is more as compared to female students. As per the above depicted table, it can also be apparently observed that out of 90 students, a total of 46 students had copied in their exam, out of which 26 and 20 students were

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